Harrison Faith Church is filled with people with a heart for the house of God. We believe in the biblical principle of tithing and witness God multiplying the generosity of our church family on a weekly basis.

Set Up Reoccurring Giving!


You can text GIVE to 870-451-0051 to give via text. It's safe, easy, and secure.

Login To Give

Create a new account and give online through our easy-to-use giving platform. This is the easiest method! With an account, you will be able to see a record of your complete giving history, setup/edit reoccurring giving, and easily give to new funds/projects.

In Person Or By Mail

Give in person during service with a giving envelope or mail in your giving to 112 Valley View Church Rd. Harrison AR. 72601

Our Community Partners

Hope Cottages

HOPE COTTAGES is a transitional housing facility for homeless mothers and their dependent children. Office:870-280-0785 Cell:870-688-6729

Tetelestai House

Christian house for women coming out of jail or prison Office:870-426-4988 Cell:870-754-7315

Mercy Mall

Provides free food, non food items and some clothing. Open on Thursdays. 870-741-8658

House Of Hope

Provides services to the homeless, near homelessness and the unemployed through meeting their basic needs. Office:870-704-8077 Cell:870-688-0861

Children's Charity Ministry

Provide hygiene kits, shoes, clothing, school supplies to Boone County schools as well as providing food and clothing for families in need. 870-704-8030

The Call

Educate, equip & encourage the Christian community to provide a future and a hope for children in foster care. Office:870-204-5474 Cell:870-391-9266

School Based Human Services

Coordinates special needs for homeless children in HSD. 870-577-5635

Informed Choices

Providing Confidential counseling, Pregnancy Testing, STD Testing, Free limited Ultrasound, Post Abortion Counseling. 870-280-3169

Giving Questions?

If you have any questions or concerns regarding giving to Harrison Faith Church feel free to call 870-741-2635 or email us at hello@harrisonfaith.org



112 Valley View Church Rd.
Harrison AR, USA