Sunday Morning Service 10:00am

Come early to grab a cup of coffee or tea in our Connection Center. We have an amazing kids service as well.

Wednesday Discipleship Classes 6:30pm

Our church hosts a number of classes that meet each Wednesday at the church.
These are designed to help aid in the growth of our biblical understanding.
There are also classes in place for our Kids and Youth.

Hello there friend,
We are so excited to be connecting with you! If you are searching for a church home, we invite you to come and be a part of all that is happening at Harrison Faith Church. Whether you live near or choose to join us online – we welcome you with open arms! It is our prayer as you connect with us today, that you will encounter God’s amazing grace, you feel welcome, wanted and loved, and you will find hope for whatever season you are in.
Every soul matters to God. That includes yours! We would love to pray with you over your needs.

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112 Valley View Church Rd. Harrison AR, USA