Join us as we celebrate the gift of Jesus to the world as Pastor Scott unwraps who Jesus is and how He changes us!
We close out 2024 and our “One” series focusing on the truth that to do all God calls us to do as a church, we must be One Body!
What is our role and responsibility as Christians regarding our nation? Let’s see what scripture says and learn together as Pastor Scott speaks on “A Nation of Serving One Another”.
We must be a nation of serving one another.
Join us as Pastor Scott teaches on the One Another’s in Scripture! We were made to live life togther!
Pastor Scott further explores how our God given purpose aligns with his Spirit, One Spirit.
God inhabits the praises of His people, but there is something about desperate praise and or worship in desperate times!
If we are going to walk in the divine purpose God has for us as a church body and as Christ followers, we must understand and live in the truth that we share in One Life!
The foundation of our faith begins with One Book….the one and only Word of God! Join us as Pastor Scott teaches on the importance of scripture as we follow “One Book”!
Spring Retreat Sunday is one of the best each year! Join us for the final service of Spring Retreat 2024 with our Guest Speaker, Micah MacDonald.
In 2024, if we want to be who God has called us to be and do all He has called us to do, it all starts with our devotion. Do we truly have One Devotion?
We love the Christmas season at Harrison Faith! As we focus our hearts and minds on the real reason we celebrate, enjoy Pastor Scott’s message series: His Name Shall Be Called.
Join Pastor Scott for our new series and study in Hebrews, Assurance & Conviction.
What does it look like to live as One Body? Pastor Scott shares from a biblical perspective what it means to be part of One Body, one DNA.
This is possibly the most distracted humanity has ever been in history! Join Pastor Scott for our new series “Distracted”.
Youth Camp 2023 was incredible! Our camp speaker, Pastor Eddie Nesby, speaks a timely and powerful Word, “What’s In Your Hand?”
How does our faith impact our country? Join us for a soul searching and challenging message from Pastor Scott, “Faith, Family, and the Flag”!
Are you weary from the battle of every day life? Pastor Scott teaches us of the reality of spiritual warfare and the armor God has given us as believers.
There’s just something special about the devotion of a Mother’s heart!
Tune into a dynamic Easter Sunday Word from Pastor Scott as we discuss the purpose of the veil and how we are no longer separated from the Presence of God.
Join us for a powerful new series as Pastor Scott speaks on marriage and what it means to be united together as One Flesh.
Join for a great word from our guest speaker, Big Lee McBride, “What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do”.
What an amazing celebration of God’s Faith-fulness and His goodness! Listen in for a wonderful anniversary message by our Founding Pastor, Arlis Thrasher.
God wants more for us than to live depleted from and depleted by the cares of this world! God is in us and wants to move through us, it comes from the Overflow.
We all have a promise from God over our lives, but a promise doesn’t negate problems. Pastor Scott teaches on the effect of these problems in our lives and how we should respond.
What a precious gift from God! Join Pastor Scott as he discusses, “The Gift of Peace”.
Prayer is vital to our Christian walk! Join Pastor Scott for our new series, “Prayer – From Duty to Delight”.
“What Are You Tied to?” – Powerful message from Pastor Caleb on a special Speed The Light Sunday.
Community is vitally important for us all! We can’t go this road alone! Join us for Pastor Scott’s new message series, “One Another”.
The more we learn about the Ten Commandments, the more we learn about the character and heart of God! Join Pastor Scott as we seek to understand more of who God is.
As we celebrate Freedom together, join us for an amazing message from Pastor Scott, Can God Bless America Again.
What a challenging Word from Pastor Scott for Father’s Day on the life of Solomon.
Pastor Scott shares a very important message from 1 Corinthians about the unity of the body of Christ and our love for each other.
Join us as we celebrate Mom’s together as Pastor Scott shares a great message on the importance God places on the many roles a Mother plays in our lives.
Join us for a new series on the book of Nehemiah as Pastor Scott shares the Word on how we Rebuild for His Kingdom.
Can Easter be cancelled? Can the message of the Cross and the Resurrection be cancelled? Join us for a powerful tag team message from Pastor Scott Brandon and Pastor Caleb Hester.
Spring Retreat 2022 ended with an amazing service and message from Special Guest Speaker, Pastor Mike Holt, “Moving On a Maybe”.
Waiting is a part of life, even as Christians there will be seasons of waiting. But why? Join us for a powerful message from Pastor Scott Brandon, “Wait For It”.
Join us for a great message from Pastor Randy Bardwell on Unity Love and Prayer.
Join us for a powerful and freedom filled message from Pastor Nicole Fairchild, “Incorrect Conclusions”.
We so often say, “I’m good”, but are we really good? We might not be “good”, but God is!
How can we better hear the voice of God in our lives? He is speaking, are we ready to listen? Listen to “Speak” by Pastor Clint Powers.
What do we do in life when we face failed expectations? Even when we expected something from God? Enjoy this powerful reminder from Pastor Scott Brandon that our God is faithful!
What a great reminder from Pastor Brian Fairchild, that “God’s Grace Comes With Great Responsibility”.
Pastor Tim Phillips shares a great word on the importance of the work of the Holy Spirit in all of our lives.
What a powerful message from our District Superintendent, Ronnie Morris, “A New Beginning”. Don’t miss this message!
Join us for a wonderful Christmas from Pastor Nicole Fairchild, “Christmas Reminds Us: God Keeps His Promises”.
Joy, true joy is a gift from God that He so wants us to experience to the fullest. Enjoy this Christmas message from Pastor Randy Bardwell.
The anointing truly makes the difference in our lives! Join us for a powerful and timely Word from Pastor Caleb Hester.
We all want victory in our lives and to live victorious, but it only comes with sacrifice.
Join us as Pastor Brian Fairchild kicks off the Christmas season, “Light has Dawned”.
What a timely word from our very own Pastor Nicole Fairchild on the disease of apathy!
God is up to something new! Are you ready to seize it? Carpe Nouvus!
What a time to be thankful! Join us as Pastor Tim Phillips shares regarding the importance of a thankful heart.
What a great reminder from Pastor Randy Bardwell, “Life Is Better Together”!
What an incredible Word by our own, Pastor Caleb Hester! Join us for this powerful and applicable Word for us all!
One of the best Sunday’s of the year, Speed The Light Sunday! Our AR District Youth Director, Ben Andrews shares his heart on the impact of Speed The Light around the world.
Join us for a powerful message from our very own, Pastor Clint Powers.
Not many in the world better than this guest speaker, Dave Roever. Don’t miss this anointed and powerful message of comfort and inspiration for the people of God.