Discovering Your Gift

Nov 17, 2024    Pastor Scott Brandon

Are you helping build the church up in love?

"Charisma" is the grace of God working in and through the life of the believer for the benefit of others.

Every one of us has been given a gift or gifts to use for the benefit of the body. What's yours?

Here are a few examples:

Prophecy - The gift to receive and communicate a message of encouragement from God to His people.

Ministry - The gift to recognize and meet spiritual needs in a practical way.

Teaching - The gift to clearly communicate truth, fostering growth and understanding in others.

Exhortation - The gift to minister words of comfort, consolation, encouragement and counsel to other members in such a way that they feel helped and healed.

Giving - The gift to generously and joyfully provide resources for the building of the kingdom, going beyond the standard tithes and offerings.

Ruling - The gift to inspire others to work together willingly and harmoniously to achieve the vision God has shown for His glory.

Mercy - The gift to deeply empathize with those in distress and express Christ’s love through joyful, compassionate actions that bring relief and hope.