Making Others Better by Encouraging One Another

Sep 29, 2024    Pastor Lee McBride

Every man needs 3 people to help him fight the good fight:

A Trainer, A Pastor, & A Leader

1. Someone not as interested in your spiritual comfort as he is your spiritual growth.

2. Someone to push and stretch you.

3. Someone to make you do things you did not know you could do.

Sparring partner

// Someone who wants to walk with you.

// Someone who you can tell anything, who won’t tell anybody.

// The best way to have a sparring partner is to be a sparring partner.

Finish the Race

// Refuse to quit.

// Fix your eyes.

// Run through the line not to the line.

Keep the faith

// Faith must be childlike, not childish.

// Faith must be placed in our Source, not our resource.